GymTech Youth Gym Sports - Visit Henry County, Georgia Back to Top
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GymTech Youth Gym Sports

175 Kendra Dr., McDonough, Georgia 30253
(678) 492-2268

GymTech offers young athletes the opportunity to experience the excitement of gym sports in an environment that develops skill, enriches life, and generates the confidence to excel in all things. Programs at the McDonough, Georgia facility are available for athletes of all abilities, from the beginner looking for fun and fitness to the advanced looking to compete on a national level. Programs are offered at multiple levels as well as multiple days and times, with Open Gym for toddlers taking place during morning time slots Monday and Thursday and Saturday evenings for those above 5 years old.  Open Gym is a time when children can freely play and explore without the structure of the athletic programs offered to athletes. Contact GymTech for more information.