LaTria Garnigan, guest blogger at Visit Henry County Georgia, answers questions and gives our readers a better sense of who she is.
- When did you first realize writing was one of your passions and what do you enjoy about it? I believe it started when I was younger and would constantly read. That transitioned into English being my favorite class, and getting in my writing practice with book reports. Once in college, it was cemented with my news writing, fiction writing and creative writing classes. Plus, it’s easier for me to express myself through words than it is through speaking.
- Do you like to write in silence or with sounds going? Oh, I HAVE to have some background noise! Even when I was younger I’d always have either my radio or TV on low. It actually helps me concentrate better than complete silence, if you can believe that.
- Do you have a preferred topic to write about? I’d have to say writing about food/dining, travel and movies/tv shows are my favorite topics. It’s a crazy combination, but I’ve always had varied interests.
- What accounts do you suggest following on social media? Now this would depend on what you’re interested in. I’ll mainly stick to food-based Instagram accounts: lately I’ve enjoyed keeping up with @thebiteshot for all things food photography. She’s an expert and has a corresponding YouTube channel where she dishes out valuable tips for photographers; as for food bloggers — @roamilicious and @thechefinpearls are friends of mine, but also amazing food bloggers in the Atlanta area. Both of these ladies have great content and I’ve learned a lot from them! I’ve also recently followed @atlantabestbites and have enjoyed her content as well.
- You’re a fan of film and television. Have you seen any good movies or tv shows lately? Any suggestions? Yes! The last film I saw in the theater was “If Beale Street Could Talk,” and I HIGHLY recommend it. It’s beautifully written, shot and scored. I loved every single moment of the film. As for TV shows, we could be here all day with what I watch! So, I’ll list my top 3: “God Friended Me” for network TV and then “One Day At A Time” and “Grace & Frankie” on Netflix.
- What is something about you that most people may not know? My goodness, you’re trying to get all of my secrets, lol. I’m very shy. So much so that if you put me in a room full of strangers I’ll mostly stay in my seat or off to a portion of the room where I can mainly observe. But if you see me with my friends, it’s the complete opposite!
- When you’re not eating out on assignment, do you like to cook at home? I do love to cook! I’ve watched cooking shows since way before Food Network and the Cooking Channel were a thing (thanks PBS!). And I’ve recently signed back up for Home Chef because my mom and I have loved their recipes and the meals that we prepared in the past. Plus, one of my goals this year is to up my food photography and get more into learning my camera (I’ve recently bought a new lens and flash to play with). J So, I’m looking forward to shooting/styling some of the meals I prepare. I’ve even gone as far as to buy a few dishes/props to use for the photos. So, stay on the lookout for that content, also I’m saying this publicly to hold myself accountable!
- What are some dishes everyone must try before calling themselves a true foodie? Well, even I haven’t tried everything. But I will say to start – sushi. I’m amazed at how many people haven’t tried it. The trick is to find a really superb restaurant that makes sushi and I’m telling you, you’ll wonder what took you so long to enjoy it!
- If you could only do one of these every day for the rest of your life, which would you choose: eat the same meal or watch the same movie? Goodness, I’d have to say I’ll watch the same movie over and over. Because I HAVE to have some variety with my meals!
- You’ve tried a variety of foods as a guest blogger for Visit Henry County, Georgia. What do you enjoy most about the experience? Being able to finally visit places that are near me that I’ve driven past before or discovering places that I never knew about is what I like most. It’s always been my favorite part of being a journalist. I like meeting new people and getting a chance to explore and have new experiences. Doing these blogs for Visit Henry is like my own personal media trip in one. I’m able to see more of the county and enjoy good food and drinks at the same time. And going back later to read comments from people who enjoy the articles and tag their friends saying “We need to visit this place,” let’s me know I’m doing something right. It’s a win-win!
A journalist first, LaTria Garnigan has always had a love of writing and exploring. And combining her love of food and travel is a winning combination. When she’s not looking up recipes or trying out the newest home delivery meal kits, she can be found catching up on her Netflix queue and discussing all things entertainment with her friends. You can keep up with some of her shenanigans on Twitter and Instagram — @SimplyTria.